Survey on Changes to the NDIS Since the NDIS Amendment Bill was introduced, disability organisations have been calling on the government to not pass the Bill in its current form. On 27 June 2024, the Senate sent the Bill to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee for further review and inquiry. As part of the Committee’s inquiry, they are now asking for feedback on the proposed changes within the Bill.


Since the NDIS Amendment Bill was introduced, disability organisations have been calling on the government to not pass the Bill in its current form. On 27 June 2024, the Senate sent the Bill to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee for further review and inquiry. As part of the Committee’s inquiry, they are now asking for feedback on the proposed changes within the Bill.

You have the opportunity to put your views on the Bill and proposed changes. Your feedback will help shape responses to the Bill and submission to the Committee’s inquiry.

The Bill proposes the most significant changes to the NDIS since it started more than a decade ago. This includes how participants access the Scheme and how their support needs will be assessed and funded. For example, the Bill introduces needs assessments and budget-setting and tightens the kinds of supports the NDIS will fund.

Importantly, if the Bill passes, new NDIS Rules will be written including to detail how participants gain access to the Scheme, what supports the NDIS will fund and how participants can spend their NDIS funding. The Minister will also make a range of legislative instruments (‘determinations’) that will determine the method for calculating budgets and how needs assessments are conducted. This gives the Minister significant power with limited oversight by Parliament.

The Government has not released drafts of these Rules or determinations so we do not know what they will include. Much of the practical impact on participants will turn on the content of these Rules and determinations, so it will be essential that they are developed in close consultation with people with disability.

The survey is open until 28 July 2024.

You can access the survey here

Overview of proposed changes to the NDIS


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Tags: Community Affairs Legislation Committee, NDIS Amendment Bill, Survey - getting the4 NDIS back on track, Survey on Changes to the NDIS